Open multilevel training

Hakomi training is an organic and personal journey. The prerequisite for coming to training is the willingness to work with personal material. As Hakomi itself, the form of study is experiential. There are short lectures, discussions, and demonstrations, but mostly, the group is doing exercises designed to convey the ideas being presented in practical, experiential ways.

Hakomi training is open and multilevel. Group is always opened to newcomers, who are integrated on an ongoing basis. The size of the group varies. A maximum of 27 people have been present at the same time. The minimum group size is 8 participants. You are welcomed to join and have your own experience to decide if Hakomi is the right approach for you.

You need a minimum 45 training days, spread over a minimum of 3 years, before starting the certification process. Completing the study days does not automatically mean that it will be followed by a certification. The main trainer will be supporting your journey and assess your readiness to proceed with the certification process.

There are 3 nonlinear stages in the training:

1) In the first stage the focus is on exploring your own experience and reporting it to others ; 2) In the second stage you will learn to support another person to study their experience and notice longlasting patterns here and now. You will also learn to have ideas about the person’s experience/beliefs and offer meaningful experiments to work with them ; 3) In the third stage, the focus is on integrating the various Hakomi elements into a whole. The state of loving presence and the ability to create a relationship, is trained throughout.

A Hakomi session with a client can also be described as consisting of 3 parts:

1) Preparation (building a relationship), 2) Experimental phase (exploring hidden beliefs, memories, habits etc), 3) Healing phase (providing a missing experience).

Trainings organized by Hakomi Education Network in other countries are also taken into account. However, for certification it is important to have more continuous contact with one trainer.

The training organized by Hakomi Estonia is conducted by the certified main trainer and guest trainers of the international umbrella organization Hakomi Education Network. We recommend that people in training register as a member on the HEN page. Membership and payment of the membership fee come with access to various educational materials. It gives also possibility to connect with Hakomi community worldwide and get information about the training sites all over the world.

The training is in English. Turn to events page for the information about training sessions.

HEN Ethical Framework was developed between 2016–2020. It represents the desire for the Hakomi community to create and nurture a supportive and safe environment to promote effective therapy and training. Ethical Framework.